Aromatherapy Healing with Tea Tree

Tea Tree is a wild bushy tree native to Australia, yields one of the most active essential oils. It is valued for its stimulating and germicidal actions and refreshing camphor like scent, making it pleasant to use in the home. It blends will with other antiseptic oils, especially lavender, lemon, pine, rosemary and thyme.  It is one of nature’s most potent antiseptics. It eases acne, insect bites and stings, and helps to keep atmospheres germ free.

Is used often in shampoos and soaps for its cooling and antiseptic properties, it eases acne, thrush and cystitis. Tea Tree stimulates the immune system by activating the white blood corpuscles to defend the body against infections. It can reduce the length of a disease and is especially beneficial in treating both fungal and respiratory infections.

Tea Tree contains more active ingredients than almost any other essential oil. It is high in terpenoids and alcohol, which are responsible for its uplifting and stimulating effects.  Principle components of tea tree, monoterpenes have stimulating and pain killing properties. Tea tree is especially high in terpine-4-ol, which can account for 30% of the oil. This natural but powerful antiseptic is effective against bacteria, viruses and fungal infections making it essential for your aromatherapy first aid kit. Sesquisterpenes are highly aromatic. They are present only in small quantities but give tea tree its distinctive pungent scent and also its mood balancing properties.  Up to 50% of tea tree is made up of alcohols. These act as general tonics, energizers and balancers.

Tea Tree’s impressive antiseptic properties make it an essential ingredient of the aromatherapy medicine cabinet in your bathroom. Tea tree is not only antiseptic but also acts to strengthen your immune system, stimulating and toning your natural defenses against infection. If there is a cold going around your office, wash your hands in tea tree soap to eliminate germs.

Chase away colds and flu with a facial steam. Combine 10 drops of tea tree with 5 drops of eucalyptus and inhale deeply. This blend will work just as well on acne.  Swirl a few drops of tea tree into your daily bath to clear away thrush or cystitis. It is especially effective in pessaries to clear persistent thrush.

Dilute to a 3% solution in water for a refreshing mouthwash that will fight gum disease and clear mouth ulcers. Remember not to swallow! Vaporizing tea tree when you’re sick in bed with the flu will help to disinfect the air and stop you from passing the infection onto any friends or relatives who come to visit.

Tea tree is a popular ingredient in commercial cleansing products. Tea tree’s powerful cleansing properties make it a useful addition to your bathroom routine. A tea tree facial steam will unblock pores and clear up infections, resulting in a blemish free complexion. For stubborn spots and pimples on the back and shoulders, make an efoliating scrub by adding seven drops of tea tree oil to a handful of oatmeal. Scrub gently with a loofah in the shower.

For healthy nails and feet, add tea tree oil to a warm footbath to treat athlete’s foot, or to relieve pain from calluses and corns.  Zap verrucas and warts in a few weeks by applying undiluted three times a day. Treat nail infections by massaging the affected nail with undiluted tea tree oil three times a day. Rub oil into your cuticles to ensure strong and healthy nails.

Apply tea tree undiluted to stings and bites for swift antiseptic pain relief. Soothe sunburn, cuts and bruises with a cold compress. Use a blend of 10 drops of tea tree oil and 5 drops of lavender oil in cold water. Apply the cold compress to the affected area to reduce swelling, relieve pain and protect a wound from infection.

The Tea Tree Folklore~In Australia, the Aborigines knew about the properties of the tea tree long before European settlers ever heard of it. They had a magical lake into which the leaves of the tea tree had been falling for hundreds of years, filling it with healing power.  Captain Cook first mentions the tea tree and its healing properties in his journal during the 1770’s after the Aborigines showed him how to make tea from its leaves. During World War I. Australian soldiers were issued tea tree oil. The government also protected the production of the oil during the War.

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