Rosemary for Aromatherapy

Rosemary, harvested from wild growing plants has a strong herbaceous, fresh, balsamic aroma. Smells a bit like Pine Essential oil. It’s country of origin is Spain.  Steam distilled from the entire plant, has clear to slightly pale orange color. Rosemary is known for its refreshing, empowering, mind-clearing and very popular in skin and hair care. 

Rosemary is known as the herb of remembrance. Used in aromatherapy to invigorate and stimulate the mind, body and spirit.  Rosemary is an excellent tonic for feelings of physical, mental, or emotional weariness.  Rosemary has an invigorating and warm scent that can clear your head and improve circulation. It has been cultivated for ornamental, medicinal, culinary and perfumery purposes for centuries.

Rosemary oil is antiseptic and antibacterial. It was often burned in sick chambers, and in some hospitals it is customary to burn it with juniper berries to aid convalescence.  Rosemary’s ability to stimulate the adrenal glands makes it a good remedy for long term depression and chronic illness, increasing your energy levels and zest for life in general.  The small leaves of the rosemary shrub can be dried and used in herbal remedies and teas.

Rosemary contains chemicals known as diterpenes and flavonoids, which promote fat breakdown and reduce the cellular damage that leads to aging.  Flavonoids also improve circulation, especially to the scalp, promoting good memory and healthy hair.  Rosemary oil contains camphor,  a stimulant that increases body heat in cold, tense and arthritic joints.  It also works an an antiseptic.  Rosemary, rosmaricine is a stimulant and mild pain reliever.  It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can relax and ease sore and aching muscles.

Rosemary oil combats poor circulation by increasing blood flow around the body.  Avoid using rosemary in the late evening as its stimulating properties may keep you awake.  For colds, the oils warming effects work especially well for combating upper respiratory ailments, clearing phlegm and catarrh from the head and chest.  If you suffer from cellulite, massage the oil firmly over the affected area.  This will help to break down and disperse fatty deposits and prevent new ones from developing.  Rosemary can also help with rheumatism, to ease stiffness in the body caused by fluid retention in muscles and other soft tissues, improving such conditions as rheumatism and infections such as flu.

Rosemary stimulates the flow of blood to your head and scalp, encouraging both a keen mind and strong glossy hair.  To improve your mental stimulation during study and exams, dab rosemary oil onto your pulse points at your wrists and temples.  To enrich dark hair, add 10 drops of rosemary oil to the water you use to wash your hair. It also helps to improve dandruff conditions.  Rosemary has also been known to be used because of its antiseptic and antibacterial properties to help prevent and kill head lice.  Sprinkle a few drops of rosemary oil onto your hair brush every morning for glossy hair.

Rosemary oil is a natural deep heating treatment. The warming effects of rosemary oil can help to ease your muscular aches. To counter an exhausting day add rosemary oil to a steaming hot bath.  Mix it with your shower gel to revitalize tired and aching muscles.  For an invigorating massage oil, mix 4 drops of juniper oil, 4 drops of frankincense, and 4 drops of rosemary in a 3% solution of massage base oil or cream to make an invigorating and stimulating blend.  Never massage over swollen or painful joints.

Warning: Do not use rosemary oil if you suffer from epilepsy or heart problems or if you are pregnant. Using rosemary pure oil by adding a few drops of oil direct to your bathwater, but if using in massage or on your skin, dilute to a 3-5% solution in suitable base oil or cream.

Folklore and Ancient Uses for Rosemary:

Rosemary has long been thought of as an emblem of fidelity for lovers because of its link with remembrance.  At weddings rosemary was dipped into perfumed water and twisted into the wreath worn by the bride.  A rosemary branch painted gold and tied with colored silk ribbons was presented to wedding guests as a symbol of love and loyalty.

At funerals, the mourners carried rosemary to be thrown onto the coffin once it had been lowered into the ground.  This is still a tradition in some parts of the world.

The Greeks and Romans use rosemary for hair decorations so that it would work on memory and intelligence.  It is said that rosemary grows in abundance where the woman rules the home.  In Spain and Italy it was used as a general protection from witches and evil spirits.  The Sicilians believe that young fairies, taking on the form of snakes, lie among the branches of rosemary shrubs.

Rosemary is consider one of the most versatile of the essential oils.  It blends well with frankincense, lavender, clary sage, basil, thyme, cedarwood and chamomile.

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